Old people who have seen Englandians in our land say whites have a small tail the size of pinky. is this true? - who is pinky boyfriend
I saw many whites in the film, but I ask directly to the target. Do you have people, men and women have a small tail, like other animals, the size of your little finger? Is the extension of the spine in it?
If you are think that, at the coccyx (tailbone) to the pelvis at the point where other mammals have a tail, then all people. Our bones of the tail is fused to the vertebrae, normally meet four in the bottom of the spine. It is located on the outside, but retains an anatomical a starting point for the muscles of the gluteal muscle.
It is true that some of us know people can sometimes act like monkeys, really ... Hehe
LOL! Where are you?
Whites and blacks alike. Our hair is different, but that's all.
It's amazing what we think of ourselves. The family of my friend used to call "children" mixed "zebra" to. The terminology is not (very nice), but quite common in the United States in the late 20th century. My friend had just raised the white man and had never mixed a child, so I really thought, until she was in college that Metis children had STRIPES!
We are all equal and we all bleed red when we are cut off. :) We are all one and the same animal, only slightly different colors on the outside sometimes. :)
No. No man has a tail or even a little.
lmao! yes! All have white tail! Mine-5 "in reality!
http://youtube.com/watch?v=a15kgyxbx24 ...
We tailbone as an extension of the spine - probably the remains of the tail of our ancestors. You too. We are all equal. It's just the color of our skin, and cultural practices and beliefs differ.
The coccyx is very small and not visible from the outside. Look in the mirror - they are the same.
Oh, sure, we all have tails I thought everyone knew.
No, no no no no. Ask one, and if they agree that I teach the butt of a regular.
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